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Winter’s Renew: Renovate, Revive, Restore, and Redeem- YOU!

Winter’s Renew: Renovate, Revive, Restore, and Redeem- YOU!

tonytriumph_paris_2-webEditors Letter:

Jan 2014 “Renovate, Revive, Restore, and Redeem: YOU!”

With January being the longest, darkest, and obviously the coldest month of the year, don’t use this as an excuse for sinking into a deep, dark Winter scum. Time could never be wasted so easily.  Those dreams you had last year, three years ago, and 10 years ago aren’t as far-fetched as you once thought. As the bible says, he that begin a good work in you will continue it.

I come across this person all of the time.  Robbing ourselves of all the true and overdue abundance owed to your life long dreams. Swimming the surface of every desire for “that good-good life” brings a flood of anxiety. Somewhere in between you lose your youthful glow, Your radiance of happiness is gone, and eventually You’re at your wit’s end. You slowly become a biter, broken, and underachieved person who is simply the product of a screwed up situation. Trust me, I can relate to the uneasiness within all of You. Perpetrating and faking it through life as if your insides aren’t bleeding. Deep downside, every bit of that  superficial camouflage is simply a fraud used to down play everything we feel we’ve failed in. Simply put, my biggest peeves are seeing people let one bad season in their life close doors, shatter dreams, and shift their paths into places that weren’t even in their original deck of cards.

C’mon YOU, get back up!

When I came up with the 4 R’s of Revive, Renovate, Restore, and Redeem, it took me back to the place of uniqueness, positivity, and individuality that consumed my spirit at the beginning of my career journey.  All throughout this month, every step of my personal revival will be driven by my desire to get The Triumphant Scoop back to its original vision: to uplift, inspire, entertain, and most importantly- put people at ease. In the midst of it, I’ll be pouring tons of life back into ME, and I invite you to do the same for YOU.

_MG_9642Reviving You:
Means to restore to life or consciousness; to make operative or valid again.
 In other words, stalk your own idea’s and steal back your original vision and flow, as if it’s the last possible thing that could save your life.

Renovating You:
To make new or as if new again; repair.
 Pull back the life layers and get rid of the old. Straight-up, it’s time to move on and tell a new story.

Restoring You:
To put back to a former place, or to a former position, rank, etc.
 Dig deep back into all the things of the past that originated as inspiration for the start of your journey. 
Whatever it took to quit your day job and move to a major city, to drop out of school and chase a dream with nothing more than a dollar, to pack your bags, leave your hometown and pursue music, modeling, make-up artistry, entrepreneurship- whatever it is that you’re doing. Recover every bit of drive that has been stolen from YOU! Dig deep, back into all those files and notes and goal sheets from years past and restore all that was, and bring to life all that isn’t.

_MG_9549Redeeming You:
To get or win back. Redeeming You is all about finally benefiting from every single sacrifice that you’ve mentally, physically, and spiritually endured over your journey. Television and technology have had us all chasing temporary infatuations and trying so hard to keep up with everyone from the Jones to the Winfrey’s that we’ve literally crashed landed our own dreams out of default of thinking nobody will no longer care about the things we have to talk about, create, and dream so deeply for. Create your own platform, pull your vision to work and let your spirit lead the way. The supporters, fans, followers, allies, colleagues, and team members will follow. Redemption is more so about rebuilding your feeling of self-worth. No longer relying on the accreditation and approval of others.

At last, in 2014 you can focus on YOU!

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Tony Triumph


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